Bash Date Format

Bash Date Format

In Bash scripting, formatting dates is useful for creating timestamps, logging events, and managing date-related data. The date command provides various options to format dates.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for formatting dates in Bash involves using the date command followed by format specifiers.

date +"format_specifiers"

Here are some common format specifiers:

  • %Y: Year (e.g., 2024)
  • %m: Month (01-12)
  • %d: Day of the month (01-31)
  • %H: Hour (00-23)
  • %M: Minute (00-59)
  • %S: Second (00-59)
  • %A: Full weekday name (e.g., Monday)
  • %B: Full month name (e.g., January)

Example Date Formatting

Let's look at some examples of how to format dates in Bash:

1. Display the Current Date and Time

This command displays the current date and time in the default format.


In this example, the date command displays the current date and time.

2. Custom Date Format

This command displays the current date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

date +"%Y-%m-%d"

In this example, the date command uses format specifiers to display the date as YYYY-MM-DD.

3. Display Date and Time Separately

This command displays the current date and time separately.

date +"Date: %Y-%m-%d Time: %H:%M:%S"

In this example, the date command formats and displays the date and time separately.

4. Display Day of the Week and Month Name

This command displays the current day of the week and month name.

date +"%A, %B %d, %Y"

In this example, the date command uses format specifiers to display the day of the week and month name.

Using Date in Scripts

Dates can be formatted and used in scripts for logging and creating timestamped files.


# Create a timestamp
timestamp=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")

# Create a log file with the timestamp

echo "Log file created: $logfile"

In this example, a timestamp is created using the date command, and a log file is created with the timestamp in its name.

Using date in scripts in Bash


Formatting dates in Bash is essential for creating timestamps, logging events, and managing date-related data. Understanding how to use the date command with various format specifiers can help you handle date and time effectively in your scripts.