Bash Convert Number to String

Bash Convert Number to String

In Bash scripting, converting a number to a string is useful for various tasks that require manipulating numeric values as strings.



The basic syntax involves using double quotes to convert a number to a string.

Example Bash Convert Number to String

Let's look at some examples of how to convert a number to a string in Bash:

1. Convert a Simple Number to a String

This script converts the number stored in the variable num to a string and prints the result.


echo "The string is: '$string'"

In this script, the variable num is assigned the value 123. The number is converted to a string by assigning it to the variable string within double quotes. The script then prints the string.

Convert a simple number to a string in Bash

2. Convert a User Input Number to a String

This script prompts the user to enter a number, converts the entered number to a string, and prints the result.


read -p "Enter a number: " num
echo "The string is: '$string'"

In this script, the user is prompted to enter a number, which is stored in the variable num. The number is converted to a string by assigning it to the variable string within double quotes. The script then prints the string.

Convert a user input number to a string in Bash

3. Convert a Number from Command Output to a String

This script converts the output of a command stored in the variable output to a string and prints the result.


output=$(echo 456)
echo "The string is: '$string'"

In this script, the variable output is assigned the result of a command that echoes 456. The number is converted to a string by assigning it to the variable string within double quotes. The script then prints the string.

Convert a number from command output to a string in Bash


Converting a number to a string in Bash is a fundamental task for manipulating numeric values as strings in shell scripting. Understanding how to convert numbers to strings can help you manage and process data effectively in your scripts.