PostgreSQL POWER() Function

PostgreSQL POWER() Function

The PostgreSQL POWER() function is used to raise a number to the power of another number. This function is essential for mathematical computations involving exponentiation.


POWER(base, exponent)

The POWER() function has the following components:

  • base: The base number to be raised to a power.
  • exponent: The exponent to which the base number is raised.

Example PostgreSQL POWER() Queries

Let's look at some examples of PostgreSQL POWER() function queries:

1. Basic POWER() Example

SELECT POWER(2, 3) AS result;

This query raises 2 to the power of 3, which is 8.

2. POWER() with Column Values

SELECT base, exponent, POWER(base, exponent) AS result
FROM exponentiation_data;

This query retrieves the base, exponent, and their result from the exponentiation_data table.

3. POWER() with Negative Exponents

SELECT base, exponent, POWER(base, exponent) AS result
FROM exponentiation_data
WHERE exponent < 0;

This query retrieves the base, exponent, and their result from the exponentiation_data table where the exponent is negative.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes creating a table, inserting data, and using the POWER() function to calculate exponentiation results.

Step 1: Creating a Table

This step involves creating a new table named exponentiation_data to store numerical data.

CREATE TABLE exponentiation_data (
    base NUMERIC,
    exponent NUMERIC

In this example, we create a table named exponentiation_data with columns for id, base, and exponent.

Step 2: Inserting Data into the Table

This step involves inserting some sample data into the exponentiation_data table.

INSERT INTO exponentiation_data (base, exponent)
VALUES (2, 3),
       (5, 2),
       (10, -1),
       (3, 4);

Here, we insert data into the exponentiation_data table.

Step 3: Using the POWER() Function

This step involves using the POWER() function to calculate the exponentiation results from the exponentiation_data table.

-- Basic POWER()
SELECT base, exponent, POWER(base, exponent) AS result
FROM exponentiation_data;

-- POWER() with Negative Exponents
SELECT base, exponent, POWER(base, exponent) AS result
FROM exponentiation_data
WHERE exponent < 0;

These queries demonstrate how to use the POWER() function to calculate the exponentiation results from the exponentiation_data table, including basic usage and handling negative exponents.


The PostgreSQL POWER() function is a fundamental tool for calculating the exponentiation of a given base and exponent. Understanding how to use the POWER() function and its syntax is essential for effective data retrieval and manipulation in PostgreSQL databases.