PostgreSQL PI() Function

PostgreSQL PI() Function

The PostgreSQL PI() function is used to return the value of π (pi). This function is essential for mathematical computations involving circles, trigonometry, and various geometric calculations.



The PI() function does not take any arguments and returns the value of π, approximately 3.141592653589793.

Example PostgreSQL PI() Queries

Let's look at some examples of PostgreSQL PI() function queries:

1. Basic PI() Example

SELECT PI() AS pi_value;

This query returns the value of π, which is approximately 3.141592653589793.

2. PI() in Area Calculation

SELECT radius, PI() * radius * radius AS area
FROM circles;

This query calculates the area of circles stored in the circles table using the formula πr².

3. PI() in Circumference Calculation

SELECT radius, 2 * PI() * radius AS circumference
FROM circles;

This query calculates the circumference of circles stored in the circles table using the formula 2πr.