PostgreSQL LTRIM() String Function

PostgreSQL LTRIM() String Function

The PostgreSQL LTRIM() function is used to remove the longest string consisting only of characters in a specified set from the start of a string. This function is essential for cleaning up and standardizing text data.


LTRIM(string, characters_to_trim)

The LTRIM() function has the following components:

  • string: The string to be trimmed.
  • characters_to_trim: The set of characters to be removed from the start of the string.

Example PostgreSQL LTRIM() Queries

Let's look at some examples of PostgreSQL LTRIM() function queries:

1. Basic LTRIM() Example

SELECT LTRIM('  Hello, World!  ', ' ') AS trimmed_string;

This query removes spaces from the start of the string ' Hello, World! ', resulting in 'Hello, World! '.

2. LTRIM() with Multiple Characters

SELECT LTRIM('$$$Hello, World!$$$', '$') AS trimmed_string;

This query removes dollar signs from the start of the string '$$$Hello, World!$$$', resulting in 'Hello, World!$$$'.

3. LTRIM() with Column Values

SELECT id, LTRIM(name, '*') AS trimmed_name
FROM users;

This query retrieves the id and the trimmed name for each row in the users table, removing asterisks from the start of the name.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes creating a table, inserting data, and using the LTRIM() function to clean up text data.

Step 1: Creating a Table

This step involves creating a new table named users to store user data.

    name TEXT

In this example, we create a table named users with columns for id and name.

Step 2: Inserting Data into the Table

This step involves inserting some sample data into the users table.

INSERT INTO users (name)
VALUES ('***Alice***'),

Here, we insert data into the users table.

Step 3: Using the LTRIM() Function

This step involves using the LTRIM() function to clean up the text data in the users table.

Basic LTRIM()

SELECT LTRIM('  Hello, World!  ', ' ') AS trimmed_string;

This query trims leading spaces from the string ' Hello, World! '.

LTRIM() with Multiple Characters

SELECT LTRIM('$$$Hello, World!$$$', '$') AS trimmed_string;

This query trims leading dollar signs from the string '$$$Hello, World!$$$'.

LTRIM() with Column Values

SELECT id, LTRIM(name, '*') AS trimmed_name
FROM users;

This query trims leading asterisks from the values in the 'name' column of the 'users' table.


The PostgreSQL LTRIM() function is a fundamental tool for cleaning up and standardizing text data by removing specified characters from the start of a string. Understanding how to use the LTRIM() function and its syntax is essential for effective text data manipulation in PostgreSQL databases.