Dart Runes join()
Syntax & Examples

Runes.join() method

The `join` method in Dart converts each element to a string and concatenates the strings using a specified separator.

Syntax of Runes.join()

The syntax of Runes.join() method is:

 String join([String separator = "" ]) 

This join() method of Runes converts each element to a String and concatenates the strings.


separatoroptionalThe string used to separate each element when concatenating. Defaults to an empty string if not provided.

Return Type

Runes.join() returns value of type String.

✐ Examples

1 Join characters with hyphen separator

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points runes from the string 'Hello'.
  2. We use the join method with a hyphen separator to concatenate the characters into a single string.
  3. We then print the joined string to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes runes = Runes('Hello');
  String joinedString = runes.join('-');
  print('Joined string: $joinedString');


Joined string: 72-101-108-108-111

2 Join emojis with pipe separator

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points emojis from the string '👋🏽🚀🌟'.
  2. We use the join method with a pipe separator to concatenate the emojis into a single string.
  3. We then print the joined string to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes emojis = Runes('🚀🌟');
  String joinedEmojiString = emojis.join(' | ');
  print('Joined emoji string: $joinedEmojiString');


Joined emoji string: 128640 | 127775


In this Dart tutorial, we learned about join() method of Runes: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.