Dart Runes any()
Syntax & Examples

Runes.any() method

The `any` method in Dart checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies a given test function.

Syntax of Runes.any()

The syntax of Runes.any() method is:

 bool any(bool test(int element)) 

This any() method of Runes checks whether any element of this iterable satisfies test.


testrequiredA function that takes an integer element as input and returns a boolean value indicating whether the element satisfies the test.

Return Type

Runes.any() returns value of type bool.

✐ Examples

1 Check for uppercase characters

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points runes from the string 'Hello'.
  2. We use the any method with a test function to check if there are any uppercase characters.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes runes = Runes('Hello');
  bool hasUpperCase = runes.any((element) => element >= 65 && element <= 90);
  print('Does sequence have uppercase characters? $hasUpperCase');


Does sequence have uppercase characters? true

2 Check for space character

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points emojis from the string '👋🏽🚀🌟'.
  2. We use the any method with a test function to check if there is any space character.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes emojis = Runes('👋🏽🚀🌟');
  bool hasSpace = emojis.any((element) => element == 32);
  print('Does emoji sequence have space character? $hasSpace');


Does emoji sequence have space character? false

3 Check for even number

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points numbers from the string '12345'.
  2. We use the any method with a test function to check if there are any even numbers.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes numbers = Runes('12345');
  bool hasEvenNumber = numbers.any((element) => element % 2 == 0);
  print('Does number sequence have even number? $hasEvenNumber');


Does number sequence have even number? true


In this Dart tutorial, we learned about any() method of Runes: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.