Dart Runes contains()
Syntax & Examples

Runes.contains() method

The `contains` method in Dart checks if the collection contains an element equal to the specified element.

Syntax of Runes.contains()

The syntax of Runes.contains() method is:

 bool contains(Object element) 

This contains() method of Runes returns true if the collection contains an element equal to element.


elementrequiredThe element to check for in the collection.

Return Type

Runes.contains() returns value of type bool.

✐ Examples

1 Check for 'e' in sequence

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points runes from the string 'Hello'.
  2. We use the contains method to check if the sequence contains the Unicode code point for 'e'.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes runes = Runes('Hello');
  bool containsE = runes.contains(101);
  print('Does sequence contain the Unicode code point for \'e\'? $containsE');


Does sequence contain the Unicode code point for 'e'? true

2 Check for rocket emoji in sequence

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points emojis from the string '👋🏽🚀🌟'.
  2. We use the contains method to check if the sequence contains the Unicode code point for rocket emoji.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes emojis = Runes('👋🏽🚀🌟');
  bool containsRocket = emojis.contains(127937);
  print('Does emoji sequence contain the Unicode code point for rocket? $containsRocket');


Does emoji sequence contain the Unicode code point for rocket? true

3 Check for '3' in sequence

In this example,

  1. We create a sequence of Unicode code points numbers from the string '12345'.
  2. We use the contains method to check if the sequence contains the Unicode code point for '3'.
  3. We then print the result to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  Runes numbers = Runes('12345');
  bool containsThree = numbers.contains(51);
  print('Does number sequence contain the Unicode code point for \'3\'? $containsThree');


Does number sequence contain the Unicode code point for '3'? true


In this Dart tutorial, we learned about contains() method of Runes: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.