MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

In MongoDB, the analyzeShardKey operation is used to evaluate the effectiveness of a shard key for a collection. This command helps you understand the distribution of data and the potential performance impact of a shard key.



The analyzeShardKey method evaluates the specified shardKey for the collection.

Example MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

Let's look at an example of how to analyze a shard key in the programGuru collection in MongoDB:

1. Analyze a Shard Key

db.programGuru.analyzeShardKey({ name: 1 })

This command evaluates the effectiveness of the name field as a shard key for the programGuru collection.

Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes switching to a database, creating a collection, inserting documents, and analyzing a shard key.

Step 1: Switch to a Database

This step involves switching to a database named myDatabase.

use myDatabase

In this example, we switch to the myDatabase database.

MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

Step 2: Create a Collection

This step involves creating a new collection named programGuru in the myDatabase database.


Here, we create a collection named programGuru.

MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

Step 3: Insert Documents into the Collection

This step involves inserting documents into the programGuru collection.

    { name: "John Doe", age: 30, email: "" },
    { name: "Jane Smith", age: 25, email: "" },
    { name: "Jim Brown", age: 35, email: "" }

We insert multiple documents into the programGuru collection.

MongoDB Analyze Shard Key

Step 4: Analyze a Shard Key

This step involves analyzing a shard key for the programGuru collection.

db.programGuru.analyzeShardKey({ name: 1 })

We evaluate the effectiveness of the name field as a shard key for the programGuru collection.

MongoDB Analyze Shard Key


The MongoDB analyzeShardKey operation is crucial for assessing the suitability of a shard key. Understanding how to analyze shard keys helps in optimizing data distribution and performance in sharded MongoDB collections.