JavaScript Set intersection()
Syntax & Examples

Set.intersection() method

The intersection() method of the Set object in JavaScript takes another set as an argument and returns a new set containing elements that are present in both the original set and the given set.

Syntax of Set.intersection()

The syntax of Set.intersection() method is:


This intersection() method of Set takes a set and returns a new set containing elements in both this set and the given set.


otherrequiredThe set to intersect with the original set.

Return Type

Set.intersection() returns value of type Set.

✐ Examples

1 Using intersection() to find common elements between two sets of numbers

In JavaScript, we can use the intersection() method to find the common elements between two sets of numbers.

For example,

  1. Create a new Set object setA with initial values 1, 2, and 3.
  2. Create another Set object setB with initial values 2 and 3.
  3. Use the intersection() method to find the common elements between setA and setB, storing the result in intersectionSet.
  4. Log the intersectionSet to the console using console.log().

JavaScript Program

const setA = new Set([1, 2, 3]);
const setB = new Set([2, 3]);
const intersectionSet = setA.intersection(setB);


Set { 2, 3 }

2 Using intersection() with sets of strings

In JavaScript, we can use the intersection() method to find the common elements between two sets of strings.

For example,

  1. Create a new Set object setA with initial values 'apple', 'banana', and 'cherry'.
  2. Create another Set object setB with initial values 'banana' and 'cherry'.
  3. Use the intersection() method to find the common elements between setA and setB, storing the result in intersectionSet.
  4. Log the intersectionSet to the console using console.log().

JavaScript Program

const setA = new Set(['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']);
const setB = new Set(['banana', 'cherry']);
const intersectionSet = setA.intersection(setB);


Set { 'banana', 'cherry' }

3 Using intersection() to find common elements between sets of objects

In JavaScript, we can use the intersection() method to find the common elements between two sets of objects.

For example,

  1. Create a new Set object setA with initial objects representing different people.
  2. Create another Set object setB with some overlapping objects.
  3. Use the intersection() method to find the common elements between setA and setB, storing the result in intersectionSet.
  4. Log the intersectionSet to the console using console.log().

JavaScript Program

const person1 = { name: 'John' };
const person2 = { name: 'Jane' };
const person3 = { name: 'Doe' };
const setA = new Set([person1, person2]);
const setB = new Set([person2, person3]);
const intersectionSet = setA.intersection(setB);


Set { { name: 'Jane' } }


In this JavaScript tutorial, we learned about intersection() method of Set: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.