JavaScript RegExp compile()
Syntax & Examples

RegExp.compile() method

The compile() method of the RegExp object in JavaScript (re-)compiles a regular expression during execution of a script. This method is non-standard and not recommended for use in production.

Syntax of RegExp.compile()

The syntax of RegExp.compile() method is:

compile(pattern, flags)

This compile() method of RegExp (Re-)compiles a regular expression during execution of a script. This method is non-standard and may not be supported across all browsers.


patternrequiredA string that contains the text of the regular expression.
flagsoptionalA string containing any combination of 'g', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'y', and 's' to specify global, case-insensitive, multiline, Unicode, sticky, and dotAll matching modes.

Return Type

RegExp.compile() returns value of type RegExp.

✐ Examples

1 Using compile() to change the pattern of a RegExp

In JavaScript, we can use the compile() method to change the pattern of an existing RegExp object.

For example,

  1. We create a RegExp object regex with the pattern /abc/.
  2. We use the compile() method to change the pattern of regex to /xyz/.
  3. We test the new pattern on the string 'xyz' and log the result to the console.

JavaScript Program

let regex = /abc/;



2 Using compile() to add flags to a RegExp

In JavaScript, we can use the compile() method to add flags to an existing RegExp object.

For example,

  1. We create a RegExp object regex with the pattern /abc/.
  2. We use the compile() method to add the 'i' flag for case-insensitive matching.
  3. We test the modified pattern on the string 'ABC' and log the result to the console.

JavaScript Program

let regex = /abc/;
regex.compile('abc', 'i');



3 Using compile() to change both pattern and flags of a RegExp

In JavaScript, we can use the compile() method to change both the pattern and flags of an existing RegExp object.

For example,

  1. We create a RegExp object regex with the pattern /abc/.
  2. We use the compile() method to change the pattern to /xyz/ and add the 'g' flag for global matching.
  3. We test the modified pattern on the string 'xyz xyz' and log the result to the console.

JavaScript Program

let regex = /abc/;
regex.compile('xyz', 'g');
console.log(regex.test('xyz xyz'));




In this JavaScript tutorial, we learned about compile() method of RegExp: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.