SQL Server String UNICODE() Function

SQL Server UNICODE() Function

The SQL Server UNICODE() function is used to return the integer value, the Unicode code point, for the first character of a specified string. This function is useful for working with Unicode data and retrieving the code points of characters.



The UNICODE() function takes a single argument:

  • string: The string whose first character's Unicode code point is to be retrieved.

Example SQL Server UNICODE() Function Queries

Let's look at some examples of SQL Server UNICODE() function queries:

1. Basic UNICODE() Example

SELECT UNICODE('A') AS unicode_value;

This query returns the Unicode code point for the character 'A'. The result will be:


2. UNICODE() with a String

SELECT UNICODE('Hello') AS unicode_value;

This query returns the Unicode code point for the first character in the string 'Hello'. The result will be:


3. UNICODE() with a Column

SELECT first_name, UNICODE(first_name) AS unicode_value
FROM employees;

This query returns the Unicode code point for the first character in the first_name column for each employee. The result will show the first_name and its corresponding Unicode code point.

4. UNICODE() with a Variable

SET @myString = N'SQL Server';
SELECT UNICODE(@myString) AS unicode_value;

This query uses a variable to store a string and then returns the Unicode code point for its first character. The result will be:


Full Example

Let's go through a complete example that includes creating a table, inserting data, and using the UNICODE() function.

Step 1: Creating a Table

This step involves creating a new table named example_table to store some sample data.

CREATE TABLE example_table (
    description NVARCHAR(50)

In this example, we create a table named example_table with columns for id and description.

Step 2: Inserting Data into the Table

This step involves inserting some sample data into the example_table.

INSERT INTO example_table (id, description) VALUES (1, N'Apple');
INSERT INTO example_table (id, description) VALUES (2, N'Banana');
INSERT INTO example_table (id, description) VALUES (3, N'Cherry');

Here, we insert data into the example_table.

Step 3: Using the UNICODE() Function

This step involves using the UNICODE() function to retrieve the Unicode code points of the first characters in the description column.

SELECT id, description, UNICODE(description) AS unicode_value
FROM example_table;

This query retrieves the id, description, and the Unicode code point of the first character in the description column for each row in the example_table. The result will be:

id  description  unicode_value
--- ------------ --------------
1   Apple        65
2   Banana       66
3   Cherry       67


The SQL Server UNICODE() function is a powerful tool for retrieving the Unicode code point for the first character of a specified string. Understanding how to use the UNICODE() function and its syntax is essential for effective string manipulation and data processing in SQL Server.