How to find the Division of Two Numbers in R

How to find the Division of Two Numbers in R ?


To divide two numbers in R, you can use the '/' operator.

How to find the Division of Two Numbers in r language

✐ Examples

1 Division of Two Numbers

In this example,

  1. We assign the numerator and denominator values.
  2. We perform the division operation using the / operator and print the result.

R Program

# Division of Two Numbers
numerator <- 20
  denominator <- 5
  quotient <- numerator / denominator
  print(paste('Division of', numerator, 'by', denominator, 'is:', quotient))


[1] "Division of 20 by 5 is: 4"


In this tutorial, we learned How to find the Division of Two Numbers in R language with well detailed examples.

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