How to print Hour Glass Pattern in PHP

How to print Hour Glass Pattern in PHP ?


To print an Hourglass Pattern in PHP, we can use loops and string manipulation to achieve the desired pattern.

✐ Examples

1 Hourglass Pattern

In this example,

  1. We define a function printHourglass that takes the desired number of rows $n as a parameter.
  2. We use two nested loops, where the outer loop runs from $n to 1 and the inner loops control the spaces and stars in each row.
  3. Within the inner loops, we concatenate spaces and stars to form the hourglass pattern.

PHP Program

function printHourglass($n) {
    for ($i = $n; $i >= 1; $i--) {
        $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $n - $i);
        $stars = str_repeat('*', 2 * $i - 1);
        echo $spaces . $stars . "\n";
    for ($i = 2; $i <= $n; $i++) {
        $spaces = str_repeat(' ', $n - $i);
        $stars = str_repeat('*', 2 * $i - 1);
        echo $spaces . $stars . "\n";

// Example usage




In this tutorial, we learned How to print Hour Glass Pattern in PHP language with well detailed examples.

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