Dart double.tryParse()
Syntax & Examples

double.tryParse() static-method

The `tryParse` method attempts to parse a string as a double literal and returns its numeric value if successful; otherwise, it returns null.

Syntax of double.tryParse()

The syntax of double.tryParse() static-method is:

 double tryParse(String source) 

This tryParse() static-method of double parse source as an double literal and return its value.


sourcerequiredthe string to parse as a double

Return Type

double.tryParse() returns value of type double.

✐ Examples

1 Successful parsing

In this example,

  1. We create two string inputs input1 and input2.
  2. We use the tryParse method to attempt parsing input1 and input2 as double literals.
  3. If parsing is successful, the method returns the parsed double value; otherwise, it returns null.
  4. We print the parsed values to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String input1 = '3.14';
  String input2 = '10';
  double? result1 = double.tryParse(input1);
  double? result2 = double.tryParse(input2);
  print('Parsed value from $input1: $result1');
  print('Parsed value from $input2: $result2');


Parsed value from 3.14: 3.14
Parsed value from '10': 10

2 Unsuccessful parsing

In this example,

  1. We create two string inputs input1 with a non-numeric value 'hello' and input2 with a valid double literal '3.14'.
  2. We use the tryParse method to attempt parsing input1 and input2 as double literals.
  3. If parsing is successful, the method returns the parsed double value; otherwise, it returns null.
  4. We print the parsed values to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String input1 = 'hello';
  String input2 = '3.14';
  double? result1 = double.tryParse(input1);
  double? result2 = double.tryParse(input2);
  print('Parsed value from $input1: $result1');
  print('Parsed value from $input2: $result2');


Parsed value from hello: null
Parsed value from '3.14': 3.14


In this Dart tutorial, we learned about tryParse() static-method of double: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.