Dart String padRight()
Syntax & Examples

Syntax of String.padRight()

The syntax of String.padRight() method is:

 String padRight(int width, [String padding = ' ']) 

This padRight() method of String pads this string on the right if it is shorter than width.


widthrequiredthe total width to pad the string to
paddingoptional [default value is ' ']the padding character used for padding (default is space)

Return Type

String.padRight() returns value of type String.

✐ Examples

1 Pad to Total Width

In this example,

  1. We have a string str with the value 'Hello'.
  2. We use the padRight() method to pad the string to a total width of 10 characters.
  3. Since the length of 'Hello' is less than 10, it gets padded with spaces on the right.
  4. We print the padded string to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String str = 'Hello';
  String paddedStr = str.padRight(10);
  print('Padded string: $paddedStr');


Padded string: Hello     

2 Pad with Custom Padding Character

In this example,

  1. We have a string str with the value 'ABC'.
  2. We use the padRight() method to pad the string to a total width of 5 characters, using '-' as the padding character.
  3. Since the length of 'ABC' is less than 5, it gets padded with '-' on the right.
  4. We print the padded string to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String str = 'ABC';
  String paddedStr = str.padRight(5, '-');
  print('Padded string: $paddedStr');


Padded string: ABC--

3 Pad with Custom Padding Character and Total Width

In this example,

  1. We have a string str with the value 'Lorem ipsum'.
  2. We use the padRight() method to pad the string to a total width of 15 characters, using '*' as the padding character.
  3. Since the length of 'Lorem ipsum' is less than 15, it gets padded with '*' on the right.
  4. We print the padded string to standard output.

Dart Program

void main() {
  String str = 'Lorem ipsum';
  String paddedStr = str.padRight(15, '*');
  print('Padded string: $paddedStr');


Padded string: Lorem ipsum****


In this Dart tutorial, we learned about padRight() method of String: the syntax and few working examples with output and detailed explanation for each example.