How to Generate Random Matrices in R

How to Generate Random Matrices in R ?


In R, you can generate random matrices using functions like matrix() along with random number generation functions such as runif() (for uniform distribution), rnorm() (for normal distribution), or sample() (for sampling from a specified set of values).

✐ Examples

1 Generating a 3x3 Random Matrix with Uniform Distribution

In this example,

  1. We use the matrix() function to create a 3x3 matrix.
  2. We generate random numbers from a uniform distribution using the runif() function and fill the matrix with these random numbers.
  3. We assign the resulting random matrix to a variable named random_mat.
  4. We print the random_mat to the console to verify the creation of the random matrix.

R Program

random_mat <- matrix(runif(9), nrow = 3)


          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]
[1,] 0.1610819 0.9683421 0.9835757
[2,] 0.4251968 0.4884130 0.2276850
[3,] 0.8133103 0.8648256 0.2863711

2 Generating a 2x4 Random Matrix with Normal Distribution

In this example,

  1. We use the matrix() function to create a 2x4 matrix.
  2. We generate random numbers from a normal distribution using the rnorm() function and fill the matrix with these random numbers.
  3. We assign the resulting random matrix to a variable named random_mat.
  4. We print the random_mat to the console to verify the creation of the random matrix.

R Program

random_mat <- matrix(rnorm(8), nrow = 2)


           [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]
[1,] -0.2992151 -0.1934010  0.31835647  0.2373481
[2,]  0.6937836 -1.5788677 -0.06468858  0.3125106

3 Generating a 4x3 Random Matrix by Sampling from a Set of Values

In this example,

  1. We define a vector values containing a set of values from which we want to sample.
  2. We use the matrix() function to create a 4x3 matrix.
  3. We sample from the values vector using the sample() function and fill the matrix with these sampled values.
  4. We assign the resulting random matrix to a variable named random_mat.
  5. We print the random_mat to the console to verify the creation of the random matrix.

R Program

values <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
random_mat <- matrix(sample(values, 12, replace = TRUE), nrow = 4)


     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]   40   10   30
[2,]   50   40   20
[3,]   30   10   40
[4,]   50   30   40


In this tutorial, we learned How to Generate Random Matrices in R language with well detailed examples.

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