Data Structures Tutorials

Welcome to Data Structures Tutorials by We shall cover data structures like Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs, etc., and go through different operations on each of them.

Linked Lists

  1. Introduction to Linked Lists

Singly Linked Lists

  1. Introduction to Singly Linked Lists
  2. Traverse Singly Linked Lists
  3. Find the Length of a Singly Linked List
  4. Insert a Node at the Beginning of a Singly Linked List
  5. Insert a Node at the End of a Singly Linked List
  6. Insert a Node in the Middle of a Singly Linked List
  7. Delete the Head Node of a Singly Linked List
  8. Delete the Last Node of a Singly Linked List
  9. Reverse a Singly Linked List
  10. Sort a Singly Linked List
  11. Merge Two Singly Linked Lists
  12. Detect a Cycle in a Singly Linked List
  13. Find the Middle Node in a Singly Linked List
  14. Find the Kth Node from the End in a Singly Linked List
  15. Remove Duplicates from a Singly Linked List
  16. Find the Intersection Point of Two Singly Linked Lists
  17. Swap Two Nodes in a Singly Linked List

Doubly Linked Lists

  1. Introduction to Doubly Linked Lists
  2. Traverse Doubly Linked Lists
  3. Insert a Node at the Beginning of a Doubly Linked List
  4. Insert a Node at the End of a Doubly Linked List
  5. Insert a Node at a Specific Position in a Doubly Linked List
  6. Insert a Node in the Middle of a Doubly Linked List
  7. Reverse a Doubly Linked List
  8. Merge Two Doubly Linked Lists

CircularLinked Lists

  1. Introduction to Circular Linked Lists


  1. Stack Basics
  2. Stack Push Operation
  3. Stack Pop Operation
  4. Stack Peek Operation
  5. Check if Stack is Empty
  6. Check if Stack is Full
  7. Balanced Parenthesis Problem using Stack
  8. Reverse a String using Stack
  9. Evaluate Postfix Expression using Stack
  10. Next Greater Element Problem using Stack
  11. Next Smaller Element Problem using Stack
  12. Largest Rectangle in Histogram Problem using Stack
  13. Celebrity Problem using Stack
  14. Remove K Digits Problem using Stack
  15. Expression Evaluation using Stack
  16. Longest Valid Parenthesis Problem Using Stack
  17. Check for Redundant Brackets using Stack


  1. Introduction to Queues


  1. Introduction to Trees
  2. Binary Trees
  3. Introduction to Binary Search Trees
  4. Introduction to AVL Trees
  5. Introduction to Heaps
  6. Introduction to B-Trees
  7. Introduction to Tries


  1. Introduction to Graphs