How to Convert a Set of Integers to a Set of Strings in C++

How to Convert a Set of Integers to a Set of Strings in C++ ?


In C++, you can convert a set of integers to a set of strings using a loop to iterate over each integer element and convert it to a string using the std::to_string() function.

✐ Examples

1 Convert Set of Integers to Set of Strings

In this example,

  1. We have a set of integers named int_set.
  2. We create a new set of strings named string_set.
  3. We iterate over each integer element in int_set using a range-based for loop.
  4. Inside the loop, we convert each integer element to its string representation using the std::to_string() function and add it to the string_set.
  5. The resulting string_set will contain the string representations of the original integer elements.

C++ Program

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Set of integers
    std::set<int> int_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    // Set of strings
    std::set<std::string> string_set;
    // Convert set of integers to set of strings
    for (int x : int_set) {
    // Print the set of strings
    for (const std::string& s : string_set) {
        std::cout << s << " ";
    return 0;


1 2 3 4 5 

2 Convert Empty Set to Set of Strings

In this example,

  1. We have an empty set of integers named empty_set.
  2. We create a new set of strings named empty_string_set.
  3. Since there are no elements in empty_set, the resulting empty_string_set will also be empty.

C++ Program

#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>

int main() {
    // Empty set of integers
    std::set<int> empty_set;
    // Empty set of strings
    std::set<std::string> empty_string_set;
    // Print the empty set of strings (will be empty)
    for (const std::string& s : empty_string_set) {
        std::cout << s << " ";
    return 0;


In this tutorial, we learned How to Convert a Set of Integers to a Set of Strings in C++ language with well detailed examples.

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